Wednesday, 1 July 2020

I'm Back

I'm changing the course of 2020, effective immediately!

That's right, I stepped away from the desk - evidenced by no posts for 2 years - and look what happened.  The world fell apart.  Quite literally.....we've had floods, fires, lost loved ones, endured a pandemic and the list goes on.

And that's just it.  Nothing stays the same (thank goodness...I'm one who likes change).  And there's never a "perfect time" or a "right time" to do things.

Until Stampin' Up! comes out with a recruitment offer too good to pass up.  Yep, I can't leave a good deal on the table when it's attached to a company I adore, that has craft products I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT. 

So I'm back!  Just like that.  And I hope to be better than ever.....hahahaha! 

Social isolation (thanks 'Rona) led to a weekly craft session with some great gals who could craft till the cows come home.  No, we didn't break the rules, we held our get-togethers on Zoom.  What a blessing that platform has been.

So here's to all you fabulously crafty peeps out there.  And I look forward to sharing inspo with you, and having some fun along the way.

This is a little something I whipped up this morning - it's all retired stuff so please bear with me while I build up my current stock again.
Happy hump day!
Karen x

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