Tuesday 17 August 2010

My Craft Space

With the colour renovation upon us, I decided it was time to start cleaning out my space.  A bit daunting to say the least!   I actually work best in an organised area and am generally quite tidy, but over time the boxes of "stuff" just pile up and the desk ends up with bits and pieces all over it.  It really cramps my style!!!  Who gave the cleaner the day off anyway?!

No, I don't have a cleaner, but you'd never know....LOL.   Anyway, I have made a start, but I can't show you the pics yet.  It's a work in progress and may never actually be tidy enough for you to notice any difference.  But I notice, and that's what matters.   It's been quite liberating to go through all my cardstock and inks and sort them out.  And yes, there's a lot of colours going, but I'm really excited about the new ones coming in - only a few weeks to go!

And totally off the subject, well, kind of related because while I was cleaning, I found this great quote stuck inside a notebook I'd made some years back:

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it's the courage to continue that counts" - Winston Churchill

How appropriate.  It will take courage to continue.  Who knows what's hidden under all that mess?!

So go ahead, liberate yourself and your space, and have a crafty day!
Thanks for reading.

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