
Thursday, 13 December 2012

12 Days of Christmas - Day 2 Snowflake & Ornament Garland

For today's project I decided I wanted to make a simple ornament garland.


I've done these type of decorations as single ornaments to hang on a tree.  But I like the way it looks as a garland and think it would be fabulous festooned across the ceiling to a centre point, maybe a light fitting or something similar.

Here's what you do:

1.  Ball Ornament: Using the 1 3/4" circle,  punch out about 6 shapes (you can use more but I probably wouldn't use less than 5 because they look better when they're plump!).   Fold each circle in half and use snail to stick them all together.

2.  Use hot glue to attach a piece of cord to the spine of the ornament, then fold the last two sides together and adhere with snail.

3.  For added sparkle, use the Snow Flurry die and Glimmer Paper to cut out a bunch of snowflakes.

4.  Attach them to the cord in between each of your "ball ornaments" using hot glue.

5.  Hang where it makes you happy!

See you tomorrow!

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